• Model: Hannah Widmer • Photographer: Lori Sapio • Stylist: Marlene Anzaldua • Hair & Makeup: Kate Johnson • Retouch: Elena Belousova • Agency: Wavemags
Some people say everything in life starts with a dream. Do you agree?
Yes, we are ever-changing, evolving and growing into different versions of ourselves. It is vital to dream in order to become who we are meant to be. Along the way my dreams have changed. I wasn’t the same person I was ten years ago and I'm not going to be the same person ten years from today.
Cover look: Coat Check Chicago coat, Phomaz bag, Christian Louboutin boots, Kastel Jewelry
What do you dream about?
I dream about the sun, moon, and the stars taking me exactly where I need to be. I dream of growing, changing, and becoming while meeting incredible souls along the way.
You are relatively new in the new fashion industry. Have some misconceptions surprised you on the way?
Unfortunately, models don’t get to keep the clothes. Sometimes you may get lucky, but this rarely happens. Modeling can involve a lot of time spent waiting around whether it’s to get your hair or makeup done, waiting for the photographer to set up, waiting to get your photos back. You would often see me with a book in hand as there is so much free time.

Borris Powell blazer, Christian Louboutin boots, Kastel Jewelry
How hard is it to actually do this job?
Shoots are not always as glamorous as the photos portray. The model may have to work on a cold or hot day wearing the wrong type of clothes for the season. I’ve had my fair share of outfit changes or posing in uncomfortable positions to get the shot.
You also have equestrian experience. How did it come into your life?
A very special friend of mine and her grandmother introduced me to horses a few years back. They quickly became a deep passion of mine, the exact thing I was missing in my sanctuary. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the horses, I wouldn’t have met the most amazing people or had wonderful experiences. I owe it all to Ashley and Rusty.
What takes more time and effort?
These are two very different worlds that I couldn’t even begin to compare. Both have factors that make them time-consuming. I try hard in both, and I very much enjoy both. I like to work for things and earn them.

How do you find time for everything?
I've learned that if things are important to you, you will make time for them. Simple enough. Make time for the things that you love and that are important because time is not a given.
Three things you wish you knew before you started with modeling…
Shoots vary from anything before sunrise to way after sunset. Drama follows models around every corner. Be it an upset family member who doesn’t understand the art in revealing a little more skin, inappropriate comments, and unkind remarks are sadly part of the job description. Bending and contorting yourself into uncomfortable positions for more than a few minutes takes its toll on your muscles the next day, no matter how much you warm up before.

LaMarque top, Borris Powell skirt, Kastel Jewelry
Three things that you want to do in the future...
Learn a new language, such as French. Visit museums all over the world - I have a degree in Art Therapy, so the world of arts is very alluring. Find my life partner, someone to do this craziness with. Maybe somebody to ground me.
Three things that we would be surprised to find out about you...
I’m introspective, soul searching, and constantly questioning the universe. Which means I’m quiet and I very much enjoy my own company over others’. I only like the pink (strawberry) flavored starbursts. I am hard to get close to, but when I love, I love hard.