• Model: Ani Mi • Photography: Daniel Ciubotaru • Styling: Gaby Charbachy • Hair: ALDO COPPOLA Monte-Carlo • PR: Wave Mags
Whether you are the most self-confident person on the planet or you prefer hiding in the shadows, life comes with some rules. And whether you like it or not, the grand success or the ultimate happiness do not exist in the same universe as the comfort zone. Just ask Ani Mi.

How would you introduce yourself to someone who doesn’t know you?
My name is Ana. I am half Serbian and half Bulgarian. I grew up in Bucharest, Romania, and moved to Serbia in my teenage years. At the age of 18, I moved to Monaco, and have been living here ever since. I’m the winner of Miss Europe 2021 and a proud holder of two bachelor's degrees and one master's. But mostly I would introduce myself with something like, "I‘m a woman who knows how to deal with the world."

Who is Ani Mi when she’s not in front of the camera?
I’m a very ordinary girl. I love doing simple things like taking walks with my friends and spending time with my family and my dog. For those who don't know me but still judge me, I'm a bad girl. I do not mean to put myself first or to offend someone. I'm very independent and know my goals in life.
What does a typical day in your life look like?
I really don't have a typical day. I’m an adventurist, so my day can look like anything from waking up and going to the gym to sitting on a plane and flying to a different country. I don't stick to a strict schedule, and I like living spontaneously.

You have degrees in marketing, business administration, and even private banking. So you can do all of that?
Correct. I have a bachelor's in marketing and business administration, and a master's in European and International private banking.
What are you currently working on?
I prefer to work in silence until I achieve what I want. However, I’m working on a project at the moment.

A lot of people state that beauty will save the world. Do you agree, or do you have a different POV?
I believe that beauty is in the eye of the observer and that everyone has a different definition of beauty. I do think that what would save the world is peace.
We are just kicking off the summer. Where will it take you?
At the moment, I have a couple of destinations in mind for this summer, but I cannot say anything for sure. I planned to visit Italy, Greece, and Spain.
Is there such a thing as the best summer #OOTD? If so, how does it look?
The best outfit that an individual can wear anytime of the year, not only in the summer, is the outfit in which they feel the best.

What would we find in your bag?
I always carry my wallet, along with red lipstick and perfume.
Tell us something no one knows about you...
I can't tell you because if I do, it would not be a secret anymore.
Get the cover look: Gaby Charbachy dress