• Photography: Roșca Andrei • Model: Daria Chimoiu @ Bornmodels Styling: Cristina Belciu • Hair & Makeup: Iulia Maria • PR: WaveMags • Wardrobe: ANTONIA NAE Couture House, MEDEEA
If you ask Daria Chimoiu what she's doing right now, you'll find out that she is becoming the best version of herself. Our new digital cover star takes success seriously, contrary to her POV on comparison and rejection. See for yourself below.
How did you decide to become a model?
I’ve been doing it since I was four. I did it as a hobby, but then I moved to London to study and was scouted at a film festival by my former mother agency.
What does a typical day of yours look like?
I get coffee and head to my workout. If I don't work or have castings, I try to catch up with my friends or go on long walks in London. If I travel for work, the day is very different and more hectic, depending on the placement.

What is your favorite part of a fashion shoot?
Getting to know the team. Of course, the glam part too. I love sneaking behind the scenes photos.

What has been the proudest moment in your career so far?
My first magazine cover.
What would be your dream photoshoot?
I would really love to work with Mario Testino or Vincent Peters, somewhere in Italy. I trust their vision.

What makes you happy?
Spending time with my family and close friends.
Do you have any hidden talents?
That’s a good question. My friends suggested trying comedy. I like to think I’m good at dancing.

What is one thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
I love going to musicals. I probably saw most of the West End musicals.
The modeling industry makes women compare themselves though.
I think it's pretty hard to avoid it, but I try not to take rejection personally. We are all different. It depends on what the photographer or designer wants for the project. I'm focused on becoming the best version of myself. If you are happy with who you are, you don't get caught up in the comparison game.

What advice do you have for future models?
It is no secret that this is a tough industry, but having faith and a lot of patience would be my main advice. Also, be friendly, do not show up late, and work hard. And of course, enjoy it, it's an industry that has a lot to offer.